Become an Emberwood Dragon Alchemist

Do you feel the call of the Dragon?

Our Dragon guardian can be with us for years before making itself known.

But you may experience subtle hints that your Dragon Guardian awaits your acknowledgment.

Are you a healer wanting to connect with Dragon energy?

Would you like to:

Be supported and guided by Dragons to help grow your own business?

Work with Dragon energy within your own healing business?

Walk with Dragons to:

Release self-doubt and subconsious sabotage

Walk your path confidently feeling fully supported

Trust in your guidance and take confident action

Align with your true path for success with ease and enjoyment

Bring the magick of Dragons into your clients lives

Achieve powerful healing and transformation for both yourself and your clients

If you:

Are fascinated by Dragons

Feel drawn to Dragons

Love ornamants and decor of Dragons 

Have a deep held belief that Dragons once roamed freely in this world

Have a desire to connect to the energy of Dragons

Know that your Dragon Guardian is reaching out to you wishing to connect!

Dragon Alchemy transmutes negative energy to positive energy.

Your Dragon Guardian is here to love and support you through your healing journey.

Dragons are powerful healers!

They easliy transmute negative energy, feelings, emotions and beliefs to positive ones.

Within the energy of my Dragon Guardian I feel safe, grounded and empowered!

Your Dragon Guardian is your greatest supporter!

Once you meet your Dragon Guardian you will never feel unloved, alone, or powerless ever again.

The Emberwood Dragon Alchemist journey includes:

Week 1 - Circle casting with Dragon Guardians of the quarters

Week 2 - Dragon Alchemy - meet your persoanl Dragon Guardian

Week 3 - Emberwood Dragon Alchemy

Week 4 - Alchemist Practice

Week 5 - Business Witch Bootcamp

Week 6 - Sisterhood Support Circle

Added Gifts:

Receive a Dragon Alchemy Grimoire to help you invoke and deepen your connection with your Dragon Guardian

We walk this path together! Receive on going support within my Creatrix Coven for just £9 month

It takes time to deepen your connection with your Dragon Guardian. Enjoy every step of this beautiful journey you will share together.

What is a Dragon Awakening?

I could call this an attunement but I don't subscribe to the belief that one person can attune another person to anything.

This feels egotistical and toxic spirituality to me. This is a big reason I do not practice as a Reiki Master Teacher any more as I never felt comfortable with the ataunement process. Everyone can access Reiki energy just like everyone can access Dragon energy. But it is not the destiny of every person to do so in this lifetime.

I believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience, therefore we each have an innate connection to everything that exists through all time and space.

Yes , in our human form depending on the life experiences we have had within this reality, we may need some support to consciously reconnect to something but we do not need to be attuned by someone or something outside of ourselves. This process and belief merely takes our personal power away from us.

I am not attuning you to your Dragon Guardian, I am simply here to support you as you re-awaken your own connection with your old friend and guide.

Some people can and will manage this on their own with no guidance, some Dragons will initiate this conscious connection and it will feel like it just happened to you as mine did. Or you may be guided to someone for support through this process. Either way is equally as valid as the other.

Though within the 3rd dimensional world, it sure feels good to find like minded souls to share your journey with!

Deep in the heart of Emberwood, hidden within the trees, there is a secret cave which is home to Embers the magnificent Emberwood Dragon.

Embers is my guardian, my guide and my protector.

He supports me with healing, protecting my energy, protecting my home, and walks beside me in support as I craft my own path in this life.

Embers has walked with me through many incarnations and the connection between us runs deep.

We merge together and feel as one.

Embers dragon energy represents the elements of Fire and Air.

The Dragon is a  keeper of ancient wisdom.

Emberwood Faery Ring

Join the Emberwood Faery Ring FREE facebook group - portal to Emberwood a twilight realm of transformation.

The Emberwood Faery Ring is a facebook group for witchy mums who desire to create a soul aligned spiritual business but feelings of self doubt and not being enough, along with a fear of being seen and a fear of failure caused by experiencing narcissistic abuse as a neurodiverse woman is holding her back and keeping her small.

Within the Faery Ring I will share witchy tips, channelled guidance, and healing to uncover your innate gifts and abilities, develop a deep beilief in yourself, and set firm healthy boundaries in the physical and non-physical realms. There will also be opprtunities to share your offerings to connect with each other businesses.

Stay up to date with the happenings of the Emberwood Realm, join us at the magickal festivals and fayres that we attend throughout the year and make new soul connections.