The Alchemy Enchantress

A 3 moon journey to 

The Alchemy Enchantress

Dark Goddess Morgana is calling you to recover and reclaim your sacred feminine gifts!

Together we walk the twilight with Morgan Le Fay and heal the echoes of past abuse to embrace your true authentic self, and awaken your inner creatrix!

Morgan Le Fay is known by many names - Goddess Morgana, Faery Queen, Lady Morgana of Avalon, and she has many faces.

Morgan Le Fay is a Dark Goddess, High Priestess, Witch, Sourceress, Enchantress, Healer, Seer, Shape Shifter, Creatrix.

Having experienced unrequited love, abandonment, and narcissistic abuse she has much to teach us modern day women. 

The goddess of power and transformation has come forward at this time to help women realise their true potential. 

I have accepted all kinds of abuse in relationships and I have experienced narcistists in many forms throughout my life from partners to bosses to spiritual teachers and friends.

I didn't know I was worthy of respect, I didn't know I was worthy of love, I didn't know I was enough just being me.

Many moons after leaving my abusive relationship I still struggled with the echoes of abuse. The whispers of the bully holding me back, keeping me small, sacrificing my desires to stay "safe".

Struggling to trust, trying to control everything and being super independant gave me a misguided feeling of empowerment. 

Morgan Le Fay entrered my life to guide me on a journey of self discovery within the depths of darkeness. Deep within the shadows of discomfort I learned the art of trust, submission, and being fully open to recieve. She taught me that my pain is my power. It is the alchemical ingredient to transform into a new you. It tells us what our boundaries are.

"I end so that I may begin"